Source code for sciquence.text_processing.word2idx

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Krzysztof Joachimiak 2017
# sciquence: Time series & sequences in Python
# Word to index
# Author: Krzysztof Joachimiak
# License: MIT

from collections import OrderedDict
import numpy as np
from operator import add
import pandas as pd

# Special markers for start en and

END = '__END__'

# TODO: start & end optionally

[docs]class Word2Idx(object): ''' Class used for for transforming text data into word indices '''
[docs] def __init__(self): self.words = OrderedDict([(START, 0), (END, 1)])
def __getitem__(self, item): if isinstance(item, int): return self.words.keys()[item] elif isinstance(item, str): return self.words[item] def fit(self, X, y=None): ''' Fit WordEncoder object Parameters ---------- X: list of list of str or str List containing list of strings or raw text input Returns ------- self: Word2Idx Returns self ''' self.partial_fit(X) return self def partial_fit(self, X, y=None): ''' Partially fit WordEncoder to the given word set Parameters ---------- X: list of list of str or str List containing list of strings or raw text input Returns ------- self: object Returns self ''' # TODO: check if data is string (?) # If input is list if not isinstance(X, list): raise ValueError("Passed data is no a list") # Check if list is not empty if not X: raise ValueError("List is empty!") # Reduce list to one object if isinstance(X[0], list): X = reduce(add, X) # else: # X_transformed = X unique = pd.unique(X) current_index = len(self.words) update = [(word, current_index + idx) for idx, word in enumerate(unique) if word not in self.words] self.words.update(update) return self def fit_transform(self, X, y=None): ''' Fit WordEncoder and transform list of tokenized sentences (or raw text) into lists of indices Parameters ---------- X: list of list of str or str List containing list of strings or raw text input Returns ------- indices: list of list of int Nested list containing word indices ''' return def transform(self, X, y=None): ''' Transform list of tokenized sentences (or raw text) into lists of indices Parameters ---------- X: list of list of str or str List containing list of strings or raw text input Returns ------- indices: list of list of int Nested list containing word indices ''' # Reduce list to one object if isinstance(X[0], list): pass return [[self.words[START]] + [self.words[word]for word in sentence] +[self.words[END]] for sentence in X] def inverse_transform(self, X): '''' Transform list of indices into list of words Parameters ---------- X: list of list of str or str List containing list of strings or raw text input Returns ------- indices: list of list of int Nested list containing word indices ''' # FIXME: if not isinstance(X[0], list): X = [X] return [[self.words.keys()[idx] for idx in sentence] for sentence in X]
if __name__ == '__main__': words = "Litwo! Ojczyzno moja! ty jesteÅ› jak zdrowie" words = [words.split(), words.split()] print words w2idx = Word2Idx() print w2idx.fit_transform(words) print w2idx.words