Source code for sciquence.sequences.sampling

# Krzysztof Joachimiak 2017
# sciquence: Time series & sequences in Python
# Sequence sampling
# Author: Krzysztof Joachimiak
# License: MIT

import numpy as np

[docs]def random_slice(array_len, slice_length): ''' Choose a random slice of given length Parameters ---------- array_len: int Array length slice_length: int Length of subsequence Returns ------- slice: slice A subsequence slice Examples -------- >>> import numpy as np >>> import sciquence.sequences as sq >>> print sq.random_slice(54, 6) slice(15, 21, None) ''' if array_len < slice_length: raise Exception("Slice length cannot be greater than input array length") max_possible = array_len - slice_length first = np.random.randint(0, max_possible) last = first + slice_length return slice(first, last)
def random_fragments(array_len, frag_len, n): ''' Get n disjunctive fragments. Parameters ---------- array_len: int Len of array to be sampled from frag_len: int or tuple Fragment n: int Returns ------- fragments: list of list Fragment indices ''' # TODO: optimize! Case when # Check if possible if array_len < n*frag_len: raise ValueError("Cannot sample {} disjunctive " "fragments (len: {}) " "from array of length {}".format(n, frag_len, array_len)) # List of fragments fragments = [] occupied = [] while len(fragments) < n: # Choose random fragment max_possible = array_len - frag_len first = np.random.randint(0, max_possible) last = first + frag_len current_fragment = range(first, last) if not is_overlapped(occupied, current_fragment): fragments.append(current_fragment) occupied += current_fragment return fragments def is_overlapped(idx1, idx2): ''' Check, if two list of indices overlap. Parameters ---------- idx1: list of int First list of indices idx2: list of int Second list of indices Returns ------- is_overlapped: bool True if indices overlap, otherwise: False Examples -------- >>> import numpy as np >>> import sciquence.sequences as sq ''' # TODO: check & optimize!' s1 = set(idx1) s2 = set(idx2) return bool(len(s1.intersection(s2))) def cut_patches(data, center_indices, pad, ignore_short=False): ''' Cut patches around selected centers Parameters ---------- data: numpy.ndarray 1-d numpy array center_indices: list of int List of patch centers pad: int Padding for both side ignore_short: bool Ignore patches if are too short Returns ------- patches: list of numpy.ndarray List of patches Examples -------- >>> import numpy as np >>> import sciquence.sequences as sq >>> ''' # TODO: Add fix length patches = [] max_idx = len(data) - 1 for ci in center_indices: start = ci - pad if start < 0 and ignore_short: continue elif start < 0: start = 0 stop = ci + pad + 1 if stop > max_idx and ignore_short: continue elif stop < 0: stop = max_idx patches.append(data[start:stop]) return patches def random_chunk(seq, chunk_length): ''' Cut random chunk from a sequence Parameters ---------- seq: numpy.ndarray A sequence chunk_length: int Desired length of sequence Returns ------- random_chunk: numpy.ndarray A random chunk of given length ''' if len(seq) < chunk_length: empty = np.zeros((chunk_length, 1)) empty[:len(seq)] = seq return empty start = np.random.randint(0, len(seq)-chunk_length) stop = start + chunk_length return seq[start:stop] # TODO: replace librosa.fix_length with own function # def put_center(data, desired_size): # ''' # # Pad or trim data. # # Parameters # ---------- # data: numpy.ndarray # Data # desired_size: int # Desired length of array # # Returns # ------- # random_chunk: numpy.ndarray # A random chunk of given length # ''' # if len(wave) > wave_size: # pd = (len(wave) - wave_size) / 2 # wave = wave[pd:-pd] # return librosa.util.fix_length(wave, wave_size) # else: # return librosa.util.pad_center(wave, wave_size) if __name__ == '__main__': print random_slice(44, 6)